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The Air Was Made of Vaseline

Created as part of Convergence Theatre's Covid Confessions

in response to the Covid-19 pandemic

The Air Was Made of Vaseline

we live for a time in vaseline

the air is thick

and sleep is welcome


we live for a time with fallen leaves


we will wake


Inspired by the words / Covid Confession of Linda Kash:

The last time the hamster wheel stopped,

my husband had died suddenly in a car.

Everything slowed down. And I mean REALLY slowed down.
Like the air was made of Vaseline.
But at the same time, my eyes could see contrast more starkly,

my lungs and heart and veins had a mic inside them,

my skin.. a hug was really too much.
All that I wanted for weeks and weeks was my kids

in our big bed,

his leather jacket

and sleep.

This virus has made the whole WORLD slow down
It makes us panicky and really scared and then?
The calm comes.
When we surrender
When death knocks on all ours doors
to see if we’re home
We don’t let him in
And when he moves on for that day,
we focus on things we have forgotten are so good

A piano
A cat
A Book
Cutting and pasting paper
Walking nowhere
Lonely friends
Bike rides
Talking gently to strangers
Having Time

We will walk for a time through the Vaseline

But I can’t help feeling that this world in pause
Will Reveal
And remind us of
That is



Wire, Acrylic Paint, Gampi Tissue Paper, Foam Core Board,Book Pages (Alice in Wonderland), Vaseline Jar, Adhesives


March 2020

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